Addiction Questionnaire
Do you have a problem with drugs or alcohol?
Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions. Be sure to read through them all and be honest about your answers.
1. Do you spend time looking forward to or thinking about drinking or drug use?
2. Has your drinking or drug use caused you problems in living?
3. Have you felt guilty about your drinking or drug use?
4. Are you annoyed, defensive or irritated when someone suggests you "cut down" or quit your use of alcohol or other drugs?
5. Have you ever lost control over your behavior when drinking or using?
6. Have you ever made attempts to cut down on how much or how often you drink or use that didn't last?
7. Have you ever made attempts to quit your drinking or drug use that didn't last?
8. Do you get "loaded" on some kind of a regular basis?
9. Do people sometimes complain about your drinking or drug use?
10. Have you continued to use alcohol or drugs in spite of the problems they cause you?
If you have answered yes to any of the questions we have posed above, you should contact us to discuss your situation. If you have answered yes to more than one question, we recommend you get a professional evaluation of your use of alcohol or drugs.
Please contact us at (916) 801-3315 or at