What You Need To Know To Get Better And Stay Better
You may be one of the 1 in 10 Americans who suffer from the effects of alcoholism or dependence on other drugs. Almost every conceivable aspect of life is affected negatively.
Recovery is possible with a desire to help yourself and with a successful way to treat this serious illness.
If you feel desperate and sad due to substance use and dependency…
If you are living in fear of losing your loved ones, your work, your home, or all of them because of your addiction…
If you are worried about your marriage coming unglued…
If you have lost your relationship with God and your purpose in living has been left well behind…
You've probably tried a few, if not many, methods of fixing your problems caused by the effects of alcoholism and drug abuse on your own. Find effective help to "get well and stay well" at Veritas Counseling.
A Straightforward, Simple Solution
Get Well And Stay Well
Prevent Relapses
Addiction is a disease process, not a choice. It's a primary, progressive, chronic, frequently fatal illness characterized by continuous or periodic:
loss of control over the amount and frequency of use,
preoccupation with use/drinking,
continued use in spite of negative consequences,
and distortions in thinking, most notably denial of the problem.
Does this sound familiar?
Avoiding or ignoring drug or alcohol use problems or attempting to fix them by yourself is risky and dangerous. Like any other significant and life threatening illness, recovery requires treatment and help. Recovery requires accepting and pursuing spiritual, physical and emotional help and support. It requires a decision to get help and to use help.
Again, going it alone is both risky and dangerous.
Get through the tougher early stages of recovery with encouragement and support. Navigate a path to a sober life that includes liberal amounts of peace, happiness, joy and a purpose in living.
Is Your Marriage or Family Life Being Affected?
Alcohol and drug use problems can make marriage and family life very difficult and painful. There can be a lot of sadness, regret, hurt feelings, health problems for family and spouses, and a lot of fear about the future.
It is important to educate yourself about the nature of this problem, the effect on the family, and what you can do about it.
We have provided some basic guidelines to help you manage your feelings and your time in relation to your loved one who has the drug or alcohol problem. Obtaining support, encouragement and help for yourself is key.
Recovery, Faith, Hope Recovery In The Long Term
If you had the personal power to solve your problem with addiction you wouldn't be reading this. And, honestly, you need more power than you have on your own to get well and stay well.
Love, Truthfulness, Hope and Courage: these are the foundations of recovery from any serious illness, especially addictive illness. Addiction robs you of your desire to live, to love, to be true to yourself.
These qualities are the themes that guide the Veritas counseling process. Find your hope and your purpose in living. Be guided through the difficult process of getting and keeping sobriety.
Bring about the possibility of sobriety, freedom from addiction and its related behaviors, and true quality of life. Seek recovery from the effects of alcoholism and drug dependency with these qualities in your toolbox.